Home & Family

Crafts, Home & Family, Sewing

How to Sew a Fleece Babywearing Jacket

Babywearing jackets are expensive and hard to find, but you need to keep yourself and baby warm. I copied a jacket I saw online to make this jacket to keep my daughter warm when we took  my son to the bus stop. Now you can sew your own fleece babywearing jacket too, starting from a […]

Books, Home & Family

The Family that Reads Together…

My husband and I are big readers. Hopefully that will rub off on our children, too. 🙂 Many of our Christmas gifts are books.  Here’s our haul this year: My Books My stack of books generally isn’t very big because I do most of my reading on my Kindle.  In addition to these books, I

Home & Family, Writing

Road Trip Wednesday: Season Changes

Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ where YA Highway’s contributors post a weekly writing- or reading-related question that begs to be answered. This Week’s Topic October!! It is SO fall! How does your writing (place, time, inspiration, etc) change with the seasons? My Answer Although I’ve been writing since 2009, it’s only been since May of this year

Books, Home & Family, Writing

Diversity and Segregation on Bookshelves

My husband and I had a conversation about diversity and racism the other day. Our son (8 years old) is one of just a few white kids in his circle of friends, but he doesn’t even notice. He doesn’t care whether his friends are black, white, indian, or anything else. They’re just … *gasp*… people.

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