
Books, Home & Family

The Family that Reads Together…

My husband and I are big readers. Hopefully that will rub off on our children, too. 🙂 Many of our Christmas gifts are books.  Here’s our haul this year: My Books My stack of books generally isn’t very big because I do most of my reading on my Kindle.  In addition to these books, I


Fall Into Reading 2012: Wrap-Up

Hard to believe it’s December 21 already and time to write my Fall Into Reading 2012 Challenge Wrap-up! Back on September 21, I set a challenge to read 8 books which would finish out my 2012 Reading Challenge on GoodReads as well.  In October I didn’t think I had much luck meeting the goal because


Friday Finds: 3 Romances: 1 Contemporary YA, 1 Paranormal/Gothic YA, 1 LGBT; 2 Writing Craft (11/16/2012)

FRIDAY FINDS is hosted by Should Be Reading and showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever! (they aren’t necessarily books you purchased). Some weeks I add several books to my list. I’ll be limiting my Friday

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