I’m Probably a Little Crazy…

I’ve signed up for two online writing classes and I’m considering a third.  This may be a little crazy, but ultimately I think all three can help.

The first two are on Margie Lawson’s website (and there’s still time to sign up!):

The Art of Developing Great Conflict taught by  Sharon Mignerey

77 Secrets to Writing Young Adult Fiction That Sells! taught by Tiffany Lawson Inman

Each is only $30 for the whole month.  The first lesson and assignment for the Conflict class have been posted and it looks like it’s going to be great!  I can’t wait for the first lesson for the YA class.

The third class will confirm I am indeed crazy, if I do sign up for it.  It’s Candace Haven’s Fast Draft and Revision Hell and it starts May 14 (so, again, plenty of time to still sign up!).

From what I can tell, the idea behind it is to write 5,000 words a day for two weeks.  I have to really push myself to write that much in a week, between two kids, my husband’s schedule, and my own perfectionism.  But that’s why I want to take the class: to learn how to get past my internal editor and just get the words out fast and fix later.

How about you? Have you taken any classes at Margie Lawson’s website?  Have you done Candace Haven’s Fast Draft?