Three Free Pumpkin Patterns & Three Contests to Win Pumpkins

Three Free Pumpkin Patterns

Today I’m adding a third pumpkin pattern for free download, City of Bones.  Click on the picture below to download it:

City of Bones pumpkin mockup

Check out the Freebies page for the Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Beautiful Creatures patterns.

Three Contests

There are three contests currently open in which you can win a YA-themed pumpkin carved by me.  They all end in one week.

1) Win a pumpkin carved with your choice of YA book cover.  Hosted here on my blog.

2) Win this Beautiful Creatures pumpkin, hosted by the Beautiful Creatures Examiner:

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures
pattern by me


3) Win this Paper Towns pumpkin or this Divergent pumpkin, hosted by Novel Novice:

Paper Towns Pumpkin

Paper Towns
pattern by Kate Hart

Divergent Pumpkin

pattern by Kate Hart